Medical & Social Care Services
Medical & Social Care Services

clinical and surgical skills training courses

Improving, Clinical, Communication, Consultations and Surgical Skills in Medicine Course


Series of Two Day Courses London, UK in 2023



  • 14th - 15th July 2023 in London, UK
  • 25th - 26th August 2023 in London, UK





Important Practical Clinical, Communication, Surgical and Consultation in Medicine Skills Course is available in London, UK in 2023 to all Healthcare Professionals


Who is it open to?


  • Doctors
  • Health Visitors
  • Surgeons
  • Nurses
  • Physiotherapists
  • Midwives
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Pharmacists
  • General Practitioners/Family Physicians
  • Primary Care Staff
  • Community Health Care Staff
  • Medical Students
  • Dental Students
  • Nursing Students
  • Healthcare Students
  • All other Healthcare Professionals with interest in improving their medical and surgical skills.




Importance of Communication, Clinical, Surgical and Consultation Skills in Medicine and Healthcare


Good communication, clinical, surgical and consultation skills are very important in medical and health care.  Effective doctor-patient communication is a central clinical function in building a therapeutic doctor-patient relationship, which is the heart and art of medicine. This is essential in the delivery of high-quality health care. Much patient dissatisfaction and many complaints are due to breakdown in the doctor-patient relationship. However, many doctors tend to overestimate their ability in communication, clinical and surgical skills. Over the years, much has been published in the literature on this important topic. We undertake a course on doctor-patient communication, improving clinical, surgical and communication skills in healthcare.

The course on is designed to equip healthcare professionals and students with the knowledge and understanding in order to face the challenges in health and medical practice in dynamic World.


What will the course cover?


The course will use various teaching and learning methods, including lectures, interactive group works, practical skills work, problem-solving approach and other teaching and learning methods. The course will include the following topics:


  • the role of doctors and healthcare workers in society
  • communication skills
  • Consultations Skills
  • Clinical skills
  • Surgical Skills and various modern surgical techniques
  • Smoking Cessation Techniques
  • Advanced Patients History taking Techniques
  • Cross-cultural issues in patient communications
  • Dealing with age differences and issues
  • Dealing with various attitudes
  • How to deal with language barriers
  • Improving interpersonal skills of healthcare workers
  • Listening Skills
  • Language Skills - Verbal and Written
  • Non-Verbal Skills - Expressive
  • Receptive matters
  • Inequalities in health and deprivation issues
  • Doctor-patient relationship issues
  • legal and ethical issues in healthcare
  • Effective time management in consultations
  • and many more topics




How would I benefit from the course?


At the end of the course you will have an understanding of:


  • Advances in communication, clinical, surgical and consultation skills in the changing World
  • How communication and consultations outcomes affects your practice
  • Practical consultation and communication skills techniques
  • Issues surrounding culture, deprivation and health inequality in health, and their impact on medical communications and consultations.
  • Improving Doctor-patient relationship
  • Ethical dilemmas and legal practicalities in medical communications and consultations.
  • Culture and Age Appropriateness
  • How to improve language skills
  • Dealing effectively with receptive and attitudinal issues
  • Efficient and effective time management in consultations
  • Problem-based Learning Techniques
  • Evidence-based Medicine and Critical Appraisal skills
  • Clinical Audit Skills









How will my Institution benefit?


At the end of the course your Institution will:


  • Update its policies on the current issues in communication and consolation skills for practicing healthcare workers and students.
  • Meet the challenge of developing efficient communication and consultation skills training for its workforce and students.
  • Have an understanding of how to improve consultations and communications for patients and its population.
  • have an understanding of the skills required to undertake needs assessment
  • Be able to apply efficient consultations and communications principle to its work.
  • Improve the education and research activities in communication and consultations skills.



Course Application Process


Improving Practical Clinical, Communications, Surgical and Consultations Skills: A Two Day Course


If you would like to attend any of the following courses, please complete the course interest form below.


The Courses will run in London, UK in July and August 2023 on the following dates:


  • 14th - 15th July 2023 in London, UK
  • 25th - 26th August 2023 in London, UK


Please complete the Course Interest Form below for the Application Form.  You can also pay for your Course Fees online by following the link and options provided at the end of the page.



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London Medical Academy

City Medical and Education Centre

Great Eastern Street

England, United Kingdom


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