Medical & Social Care Services
Medical & Social Care Services




Choosing from the many options available for boosting social care demands professional expertise, the Medical & Social Care Services will provide you with details of established specialists in the field of social care, care agencies and professionals to choose from. The care agencies and organisations and their well-trained carers and social care workers can be trusted to take good care of you and your wellness. They can also take care of groups of people with very complex social care needs. 


The services the various agencies and individual offer involve providing carers for personal and mobility care and health and social care workers for that can offer professional care for our members and service users in their homes, work places, educational establishments, community work, and travelling to courses and conferences, research assistance, note taking, scribing service, and liaising with other organisations and agencies on behalf of the member and service user and other professional assistance services as requires.  Thus the professional carers work alongside the personal carers in other to provide the best care for the members and service users.




Our services at a glance




  • Providing details of agencies to choose from for assessing the social care for the individual.
  • Facilitating all social care needs identified by the agencies, and make referrals as required for the members and service users.
  • Providing resources for arranging all social care services required for the individual
  • Aiding the members and service users to recruit the right workers to take active part in the care, and improving the social interactions and development of the individual.
  • Arranging with different care recruitments agencies and job centres to supply care workers to work for the members and service users in their homes, work places, professional capacities and other required jobs according to the need of the individual.
  • Arranging with different medical recruitment agencies to supply medical and healthcare works for dealing with the various needs of the member or service user, including liaising with agencies, organisations, community health centres, medical centres and hospitals on behalf of the members and service users with their consents.
  • Organising and providing training for dealing with emergencies and resuscitation skills for medical and healthcare workers facilitated by qualified professionals.
  • Undertaking Health and Social Care Research at various levels

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London Medical Academy

Paul Street


England, United Kingdom


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Medical and Social Care Services 1947 to 2025